Nail Care for Weak Nails

Nov 23rd, 2012

Brittle and soft nails are a sign that your fingernails are weak and not receiving the correct care. You can take several steps to regain the natural strength and vitality that your nails possess.


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Stop biting or picking at your nails. Use nail clippers and files to keep your nails neat and at a length that is productive for you.

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Use rubber gloves when washing dishes or handling harsh cleaning agents. These activities dry out your nails and sap them of their vitality, making them weak.

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Avoid lotions and hand creams that have a lot of alcohol in them, as it dries out the natural moisture of your nails. Look for nail care strengthening creams that work to make your fingernails healthy while keeping your hands soft at the same time.

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Use tweezers or a knife when trying to peel off labels or do other activities that would tempt you to use your nails. These habits break down the edges of your nails and allow them to beak or tear easily.

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Apply a nail hardener every time you do your nails. These polishes are clear and protect your nails from external harm while keeping in natural moisture.

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